2023-2025: Postdoctoral Fellow (visiting scholar). Department of Economics, New York University. Advisors: Prof. Boyan Jovanovic, Prof Daniel Waldinger
2022: PhD. Department of Economics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Advisor: Prof. David Genesove
2017: MA. Department of Economics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Advisor: Prof. David Genesove
2013: BA. Political Science and Humanities (cum laude), Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Housing Economics, Search Theory, Industrial Organization, Applied Micro-Economics
David Genesove, Department of Economics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91905 Israel,, Tel: 972-2-588-3128.
Boyan Jovanovic, Department of Economics, NYU Arts & Sciences, 19 w. 4th St. New York, NY 10012. Tel: (212) 998-8953, Fax: (212) 995-4186
Daniel Waldinger, Department of Economics, NYU Arts & Sciences, 19 w. 4th St. New York, NY 10012.
2023: NYU Stern IO workshop, NYU Furman Center Fellows seminar series, Real Estate seminar at Baruch Collage Zicklin School of Business
2022: American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association and Asian Real Estate Association joint conference (Tokyo University)
2021: Warwick Economics PhD Conference, Hebrew U (Econ, PhD workshop)
2020: Hebrew U (Econ, PhD workshop)
2019: Alrov Conference on Real Estate Research (Tel Aviv U, Business school), Summer Institute in Economic Theory (poster session), Hebrew U (Econ, PhD workshop)
TA Experience
2016 - Present: Graduate Industrial Organization II, Prof. David Genesove
2017 - Present: Theory of the firm, Prof. David Genesove
2018 - 2019: Graduate Industrial Organization I, Dr. Alon Eizenberg
As well as various courses in corporate finance, strategy, quantitative methods and micro-economics.
Grants, Scholarships and Awards
2023-2025: Israeli Science Foundation (ISF) post-doctoral fellowship
2022-2023: Israel Scholarship Education Foundation (ISEF) post-doctoral fellowship
2021: Council for Higher Education Scholarship for Excellence in Studies of the Israeli Economy
2020: Baron De Rothschild Grant for Covid Research
2017, 2020: Alrov Institute for Real Estate Research, Tel Aviv U. Research Grant (Joint with David Genesove and Michael Beenstock)
2016 - Present: Department of Economics Research Scholarship, Hebrew U
2019: Jaques Nass Scholarship for excellence in Political Economics Research
2019: Visiting student at Bonn University, jointly funded by Ben Porath foundation and Collaborative Research Centers (CRC)
2018-2019: Haim Shtesel Scholarship for excellence in PhD studies, Hebrew U
Other Relevant Experience
2015 - 2016: Bank of Israel, research assistant to the Monetary Committee
2013 - 2015: Israel Securities Authority, economist
2012 - 2013: Pareto Strategies Consulting, consultant
2010 - 2012: Prime Minister’s Office, Department of Policy Planning: policy analyst
Other Activities
2021-present: Effective Altruism Metascience community and Israel community member
2020-present: Israel IVS (International Valuation Standards) forum, Commercial Real Estate Index Committee Member
2020: NBER Economics of Digitalization Workshop
2018, 2019, 2021: Summer School in Economic Theory, Israel Institute for Advanced Studies
2017: Progressive Economists: spring seminar academic coordinator
2015-2020: Mentor at Progressive Economists
2015: Friedberg & JIMS spring seminar on economics and liberty
2011 - 2012: Tikvah Summer School
2010 - 2015: ISEF Fellowship, leadership and social entrepreneurship program